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- What no one ever tells you about writing attention grabbing copy
What no one ever tells you about writing attention grabbing copy
So today what I want to share with you is an almost guaranteed process for creating a piece of copy that you can use to beat out your clients current control ads.
Sometimes this tactic gets lost amongst all of the drama that’s currently going on in the world of copywriting.
You hear about how to write headlines, how to write leads or how to make a fast buck… but you know what you don’t hear about…
How to edit your copy like a Pro
I know…Boring
Hell, even just saying the word editing is boring.
And yet, this is what holds the key to creating sticky copy that’s hard for your reader to put down.
No one talks to you about this, and that’s because so few people are skilled enough with the information on how to do it correctly.
Now this newsletter is not a online course about how to go through the full editing process.
However, what I will give you is an idea on how to accomplish a certain task of the editing process.
And that task is editing you copy using strategically placed power words in your that copy.
Ok, now for the brutal truth.
Most copywriters use a flawed process for writing their ads for their clients that usually leads little to no sales.
It’s what I call STUFFING
What is my definition of stuffing?
Glad you asked.
That is the process of using power words and stuffing them in as they are writing the copy…without any strategic emphasis on exactly where they should be placed.
They write copy.
Headlines, the body, promises…
Then while doing that they will stuff in power words.
At least the ones they can remember.
That’s going about it in the most difficult way possible.
The words are just being put in the copy without any real strategy as to when and where they should go.
Seems to me that there should be a much easier way.
A way that has been proven to work.
Oh, wait…there is a such way.
In fact, this particular way for bringing your copy to life, is also one of the easiest ways to do this…and you do this with the editing process.
And not while you are writing the copy.
Instead you strategically place them throughout your content in order to create a picture in the mind of the reader that aligns with your overall idea you want them to have about what you are writing about.
All of the words must work together to create the exact same image you have in mind.
Otherwise they do not get used.
You never just put in power words just for the sake of doing so.
Now, here is what you do.
You write out your copy.
Please do not edit it as you are writing.
Just keep writing.
If you make mistakes, that’s fine.
You’ll fix them in the editing process.
Your goal is to just get the content written down on paper or on your computer or whatever.
Then once you are finished, remember that list of power words that you have built up and stored away.
You do have the list right?
Next you grab those power words and you go over the content you just created and you start replacing the boring words with the power words that creates a picture in your readers mind.
You find the spots where the copy seems a bit stale and doesn’t create any mental imagery.
And you punch it up with the power words.
Go through your entire piece.
Read, Replace.
Read, Replace.
Read, Replace.
You do that until you have built up a piece of ad copy that is irresistible to read.
And that my friend is how the pros create copy that their readers can’t put down and can out perform their clients current control ads.
They do it through editing.
Until next time.