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  • It's Like Cheating...50 Cognitive Biases That Make People Buy Everyday Products and Services

It's Like Cheating...50 Cognitive Biases That Make People Buy Everyday Products and Services

Have you ever wondered why people buy the things they do.

For instance.

Why do women spend ungodly amounts for a Louis Vuitton Bag?

Why do men pay $10,000 or more over sticker price for cars?

Why do people stand in long lines at Disney World in the hot weather?

Those are just a few questions.

But again…why?

It’s not for logical reasons.

Because if it was then no one would do none of the things I just mentioned.

Although it may seem like the logical thing to do at the time.

Once you take a step back and really look at the reasons why, they do not make any since.

Now that brings up the question of…

  Could there be another reason why people make the purchases they do?

Turns out there is.

And behavioral scientists call the reason cognitive biases.

I didn’t know that we operate on autopilot most of the time.

More like 97%

It would feel like I was in control and using my mind to make logical decisions.

However I was wrong.

We’re nudged everyday to make the decisions we do based off of these biases.

And guess what?

If you know what these biases are, as a copywriter/marketer you can leverage them in you ad copy for even greater profits.

It’s the secret cheat code that you always needed but never fully knew about.

I’ve included a pdf download with 50 of the most common biases that you can use as a study guide.

Look them over and the next time you are writing copy think about how you can use them.

Until next time,

The Maverick Copywriter

560690312-50-Cognitive-Biases.pdf1.92 MB • PDF File