How to carve out a small fortune for yourself using tiny direct response ads

Okay, today I’m gonna give you a real gem.

If you are even just slightly good at copywriting, then what I’m going to show you today can make you a boatload of moo-lah.

First off I’d like to say that this idea is one that I came up with…

But it’s not.

I actually swiped it from none other than the prince of print himself…Gary Halbert.

It was while reading his newsletter well over a decade ago that I first learned about this.

And one day I decided to try it out.

And boy oh boy did it work.

Remember, back when I did this…magazines were still relevant.

Of course that doesn’t mean this idea won’t still work today.

In fact, it works better than ever given the digital environment that now has taken over.

If you want to sell products and make big profits, but don’t like to create products or don’t know where to find products that you can promote and sell.

Then here’s what you do.

You run an ad that says something like this…

  “Marketing Genius Looking for Hot Products to Promote”

Have you got a hot product or service? If so, Call Me (or email, or text or however you want to be contacted) I’ve got brains, marketing know-how and I’m itching for something new and hot that I can sell like crazy”

This is an adaptation I wrote of the ad the Gary Halbert wrote in his newsletter.

And if you think this kind of ad won’t work today…then think again.

You see…

What the world isn’t lacking of right now is products or gizmos to sell. You can find them everywhere you look.

But you want to know what is in short supply?

It’s marketing expertise that is in short supply, not widgets

You can leverage that to make yourself a mountain of money.

Until next time

The maverick copywriter